Monday, July 5, 2010

Bath Time

Hello, this is Jingles. Woof! Woof!
Dingo was going to post here, but he couldn't because he had to take a bath.
It's funny, Dingo got so dirty. And he hates baths! Ugh, he almost got some dirt on my fur, that fifthy mutt.
But I stayed away from him. He always gets spit and dirt on me. It's so disgusting.
But anyways, today we are going to the park. Me, Polar, and Dingo.
We will have tons of fun... :)
:3 Bark bark bark!
Gotta go watch Dingo take a bath!

PS. Dingo looks funny in the bath

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

This is Dingo posting, by the way.
Bark bark! Happy fourth of July!! So, where's my food? Mama isn't giving it to me?? DANG!
I'm a puppy. Well, duh... EVERYONE THINKS IM CUTE! I'm so adorable..
aren't I? My human, Shae, she just fed me my dog food. It was yummy, but I wanted tons of people food. This is just plain, DOG FOOD! Ick, for a celebrity dog like me, I deserve better! I deserve this special chocolate chicken and cheetos! My human says that chocolate is really bad for me, and that chicken and cheetos will make me gain weight. But a strong dog like me could use a few pounds.
Not your friend,

PS. Gimme some human food, please!